Production schedule
ìBrings together logistic and resource details for a project
ìIncludes all tasks required plus the time-scales needed to get them done
ìUsed to track progress of project and make sure it’s on track
ìShared with all members of production team so they are aware of
when milestones are and when deadlines need to be hit
when milestones are and when deadlines need to be hit
Production Schedules will include:
-Details of the initial proposal
-Key milestones agree with client as well as final deadline
-Details of locations required, plus care details (transport, catering)
-Details of all resources – props, personnel, equipment
-Complete details of roles & responsibilities for each member of production team
Call sheet
ìUsed to plan logistics for each day of production
ìDeveloped from production schedule, but offer more detail
Call sheets should include:
-Location details (address, map, transport details)
-Crew details (personnel, contact details, times required)
-Health & safety notes (e.g. weather, protective clothing, hazards, closed roads)
-Transport schedule (who, where & when)
-Filming schedule (which tasks done and when)
-Facilities (e.g. toilets, trailers, catering)
Site structure diagram
ìA one diagram which outlines the purpose and content of each individual page on a website
ìEach page is given its own box
ìLines are used to illustrate the web links between pages
ìThis is not a layout document, but more to do with simply breaking down the content of each page
ìThis can then be circulated between the technical and creative teams who develop the ideas from there
ìLooks at the hierarchy of pages, with the home page as the trunk and all others branching off
Asset log
ìA document which lists all the elements or assets of a product
ìThis includes videos, images, sound, typography designs and any other element of style or content
ìIt covers both content produced by the production company and obtained from other sources
ìThis allows the company to keep track of copyright issues and permissions – making sure that everything has permission granted before it hits market
The asset log will contain:
Risk Assessment
ìConducted on a visit by the production company to all locations before production starts
ìIdentifies and health and safety concerns
ìDevises solutions to manage any hazards on location
ìMay include taking photographs
ìRisk assessments protect you, your crew, your actors and your equipment. They look at hazards which can harm and can effect your production and put a PLAN B in place.
ìConducted at the same time as risk assessment
ìJudges suitability of location for production
ìWill consider if it meets creative vision
ìWill also consider logistical issues – accessibility with equipment, availability when required, cost
ìGenerally will recee multiple locations for same scene – location which is best fit creatively & logistically will be picked
Set design
ìA visual design of how the set will look when set up
ìCould be 2D (a sketch) or produced using 3D imaging software (in the exam, if asked, yours will be 2D)
ìWill include a visual representation of how the background and props will look in as much detail as possible
ìUsed by technical team to them plan camera positions and movements
ìMay include annotations to further explain elements of set
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