Legal issue- to do with the law Ethical issues- To do with morals, religion etc. Intellectual property rights- if you produce a piece of work such as an image, script, graphic or article then it's your intellectual property.If someone wants to use it, they require your permission. IP law is... trademarks, copyrights, design rights, patents Trademarks are used by businesses to protect their brands. you can register a trademark in the uk, across Europe and around the world for a name, logo or both.Only need renewing every 10 years Copyrights automatically exists in documents, photos, maps and websites. Important to record when and how they are created. It's free protection.Your copyright lasts unto 70 years after your lifetime.If you pay someone else to create something for you, they own it unless it is agreed that they have the copyright. Design right s can be used if you create furniture, jewellery or clothes and people buy it because of how it looks.To register d...