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The Evaluation Question

-Approx 15-20 marks -No introduction required -Very brief conclusion Required (one sentence) - 4 para minimum -not theory based -terminology -dont waffle -apply your knowledge tp brief and setting discuss the positive elements of the pre-production in relation to the client brief, the content and its fitness for purpose discussed the elements that could be improved upon discuss other docx that wold be used alongside this docx to support it or support the project. things to be aware of: -last question -expects 2 pages -4 paras -one para justifying content -one evaluating suitability for purpose - one evaluation suitability fir target audience -will likely be 1/4 of marks -Evaluation could test on any creative or logistic docx. - asking you why that docx would be helpful/ unhelpful for the project examiner will be looking for : an evaluation  (pros, cons) detailed knowledge of what method involves and where it furs in. pre-prod evidence from scenario to bac...

Proposals, Project outlines, Treatments, SWOT Analysis

 Documents  Description (what it looks like)  Purpose and Medium  Key advice for completing successfully   Proposals  The initial idea for a project. Can be written or a presentation (pitch) Used to sell an idea to a client or boss   Usually include: -target audience  -content ideas -resource requirement  -timescale outline This goes to management so has to be non-technical language   Treatments Exact  structure  depends on medium Contains more detail than a project outline Client/boss/investor to get a better idea of what the finished project will be.  Has two specific audiences: - production team ( use  it as a  reference point, to keep the project on track, also the basis for all other pre-production docx.) -Boss/investor/client  Project outlines Initial docx. given to key members of production team. Includes enough detail so that the team h...

Creative Paperwork 2

Production schedule ì Brings together  logistic and resource  details for a project ì Includes all  tasks   required plus the  time-scales  needed to get them done ì Used to  track progress of project  and make sure it’s on track ì Shared with  all members of production team  so they are aware of  when milestones are and when deadlines need to be hit Production Schedules will include: - Details of the initial proposal - Key milestones agree with client as well as final deadline - Details of locations required, plus care details (transport, catering) - Details of all resources – props, personnel, equipment - Complete details of roles & responsibilities for each member of production team Call sheet ì Used to  plan logistics for each day  of production ì Developed from production schedule, but offer  more detail Call sheets should include: - Location details  (address, ...

Script Writing

INT. THE COFFEE SHOP - LATE AFTERNOON In the busy coffee shop, natural light spilling in through the windows along with some light from lamps. CHLOE is sitting down sipping coffee, HARRY walks in texting unaware that Chloe is there, Chloe notices him. CHLOE (Nervous and hesitant, questioning) Harry? Umm… hi… Harry? Hello? It’s me… Chloe. HARRY Umm hi… do I know you?  (Suddenly realises that it’s Chloe) Oh hiya, how have you been these last few years, I  haven’t seen you in a while? CHLOE (Her breathing speeds up, she beings hyper ventilating) (V.O.) of Chloe talking to herself and a heart beat gradually getting louder over the top, during this Chloe looks like she is struggling for words  Oh lord, I haven’t  seen him since we finished secondary school. Okay Chloe don’t muck this up… you’ve been in love with him for years. This is your chance? (V.O.)Stops and Chloe begins talking again  ...


Phsyco- Hitchcock  How does the dialogue affect our perception of each character? Norman and Mary Talk It shows their characteristics and intentions about institutions. The man seems charing through dialogue and enraged by the idea of institutionalising his mother but the woman's dialogue tells the audience that she cares but also that she isn't opposed to this idea and quickly regrets sharing the idea. This is shown through the pace of his voice being slow and toned down making his voice sinister. He repeats certain words which shows the anger and how he is unhappy with the idea. Mary's words attempted to calm Norman, her tone and pace tells us that she is tense and worried Which lines of dialogue are most memorable? INT. NORMAN'S PARLOR - NIGHT In the darkened room, lit only by the light from the office spilling in, Norman faces Mary. Behind him, various taxidermy displays are mounted on the walls.           ...

Creative Paperwork 1

Document  Description (what it contains) Purpose and Medium  Key advice for completing successfully  Storyboard  -Visual plan used in pre-production containing illustrations and annotations  -Designed to be the most detailed visual of there project   - Helps to visualise what the ideas for the production are   - Annotate drawings accurately  - Don't spend too long drawing , it can be rough  Script/ Screenplay  -Produced by a script writer , specialist job and they break down the idea -Used by production team to see shots and scene by scene play -Shows how the Contains slug lines, stage directions and locations  - To be able to get a generalised idea of what is to happen scene by scene and what the director wants to happen  - To tell the cast ands crew what needs to be done   - Keep it concise  -keep it clear  Shooting Script   -Used in video pr...